My scalps so dry and / or itchy.
The Aloe Vera based Conditioning Spray not only improves the health of your hair but also has scalp soothing benefits. And finally, Botanical Serum has been developed with itchy, dry scalps in mind. It is super hydrating with a luxurious base of Grapeseed, Jojoba and Neem oils and the added skin soothing, antifungal and antibacterial benefits of Lemon Myrtle, Tea Tree, Rosemary and Peppermint.

Help! I've got dandruff.
Dread Empire's Anti Dandruff Shampoo is infused with Tea Tree, Cedarwood and Rosemary oils - all of which possess anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. It is our most popular shampoo and we regularly receive positive feedback attributing it to improving dandruff and itchy scalps.
The Lemon Myrtle Shampoo Bar is another option. Again, this one offers strong anti-germicidal benefits with the added bonus of being eco friendly due to no plastic in the packaging. And finally, Botanical Serum offers excellent re-hydration of the scalp and Neem, Lemon Myrtle, Tea Tree, Rosemary and Peppermint are all well known for their powerful anti fungal and anti bacterial properties. These oils have often been utilised to treat dandruff over the centuries.

My dreads feel so heavy and lank and / or they are starting to smell!
Dread Empire's Deep Cleansing shampoo uses Lime & Grapefruit oils to refreshen and deeply clean. But sometimes shampooing regularly still may not cut it! Doing the occasional deep cleansing soak (every 6-12 weeks) will make your dreads feel lighter, brighter and reinvigorated. Our Bi Carb and Himalayan Salt soaks come in 3 delicious flavours with various essential oil blends. Our very popular inflatable basins will make the soak so much more comfy and convenient.

My dreads just won't lock up, how do I fast track maturity?
Dread Empire's Accelerator spray functions in a similar way and expedites the maturing process further. It's Sea Salt base is complemented with Aloe Vera, Lime Oil and Pro Vitamin B to maintain your hair's health.

My hairs dry and brittle and my dreads are so scratchy and prickly.
The Quench range includes 3 delicious flavours and has a Grapeseed Oil base which is readily absorbed by the hair and will effectively soften, hydrate and revitalise.
Our Balm offers both conditioning and binding ability with Shea Butter and Macadamia oils - this one is a heavier formula, designed to stay in and best suited for very dry hair and mature dreadlocks.

My dreads are a mess with lots of loose hair.
Dread Dust is helpful in getting stubborn hair to lock up and a small sprinkle of dust can be placed on your finger tips before grabbing a few loose hairs, rubbing them between your fingertips to create a dread ball then pull the ball into the dread usinig a crochet hook.
Shampooing regularly will also help loose hair knot up and the Himalayan Salt bar is particularly good for this reason. And finally, the Tightening Gel is another fab way to do a quick tidy up. The Aloe Vera base will hold down loose hair, encourage maturing and it also smells divine. Our Tidy Locs kit which includes the Accelerator, Gel, Dust and Crochet Hook is worth considering as it is more economical than purchasing these products separately.

Arggghhh, how do I avoid Nits?

I have major thin spots in my dreads.

How can I keep my dreadlocks dry when swimming?